Michel Imberty (Université de Paris X – Nanterre)
Honorary President of the University of Paris X - Nanterre (1983-1988 and 1994-1997). Professor of Psychology at the University of Paris X - Nanterre. Invited teacher at the Universities of Bologna, Rome - "La Sapienza", Granada, among others. Coordinator of Psychology Research Group and systematic musicology. Imberty is the author of over 180 publications about the musical development of the child, musical semantics, articles on music and the unconscious, Debussy, Mahler, Wagner, Schoenberg, Berg, Berio, Boulez, spectral music, and research on cognition musical, especially in the case of atonal music.
Anna Rita Addessi (Università di Bologna)
Anna Rita Addessi is associate professor at the University of Bologna. Has promoted and coordinated the EU-ICT MIROR Project -Musical Interaction Relying On Reflexion. His research interests include the development of children's musicality, the child-machine interaction, the theory of flow, teacher training, intertextuality, Claude Debussy and Manuel de Falla. Vice president of ESCOM (2010-2012), member of the scientific committee of ICMPC and MERYC, part of the editorial committee of national and international journals. Has published books in english and italian and is the author of more than 150 national and international publications on topics that reflect his wide range of interests between the systematic and empirical musicology and music education.

Favio Shifres (Universidad Nacional de La Plata)

Associate professor at Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Coordinates the research project "The musical ear. Definition and development of a perspective situated, embodied, multi-modal and inter-subjective" as well as the project "Intersections between musical experience and early childhood in the context of embodied cognition", supported by the National Agency Scientific and Technological Promotion. It has published papers in journals, book chapters and presentations at scientific events. It is Epistemus’s magazine editor and member of the editorial board of several international academic publications. Has taught courses and conferences in Latin America and Europe. He is a founding member and former president of the Argentine Society of Cognitive Sciences of Music. His main research interests are linked to the development of aural skills of musicians and communication of musical performance of an inter-subjective perspective and embodied.
MESA REDONDA / Round Table
MESA 1: Motivação e autorregulação:
Dra. Liane Hentsche (UFRGS)
Dra. Cristina Tourinho (UFBA)
Dra. Cristiane Otutumi (UNESPAR/Embap)
Mediadora: Dra. Regina Antunes Teixeira (UFRGS)
MESA 2: Composição e cognição
Dr. Antenor Ferreira Correa (UnB);
Dr. Guilherme Bertissolo (UFBA)
Dra. Roseane Yampolschi (UFPR)
Mediador: Dr.Marcos Nogueira (UFRJ)
MESA 3: Música e saúde
Dra. Marília Nunes (UFMG);
Dra. Claudia Zanini (UFG)
Dra. Rosemyriam Cunha (UNESPAR/FAP)
Mediadora: Ms. Clara Maria Piazzetta (UNESPAR/FAP)